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Become a Distribution Partner

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Fill in the form below to apply to MiniFinder's Distribution Partner Program.

MiniFinder is already collaborating with many satisfied retailers from different industries in all corners of the world.
We are experts in positioning and developing location services, therefore you can feel safe with us as your supplier.
You focus on sales, we on technology and the hardware.

The advantages of being an MiniFinder DPP partner:

  • Education about our products and marketing materials.
  • Delivery within 1-3 business days.
  • Special campaigns for DPP partners.
  • Ability to offer your customers high quality low-return products
  • Competitive pricing and favorable terms for our partners.
  • Access to our global network of partners and end-users.

What are the requirements?

  • That you can have a dedicated sales representative and a dedicated technician for the program.
  • That you conduct solution-oriented B2B sales.
  • You have a clear focus on SMB (Small and Medium-sized Businesses).
  • Participation in training programs.

Contact information

Your Address